TREES ARE the largest and the longest living organisms on earth. To grow tall, the trees display miraculous feats of engineering and a complex chemical factory. It has the ability to absorb water and salts from the earth and transport them up to the leaves, sometimes over 400ft above. By means of photosynthesis, the leaves then combine the water and salts with carbon dioxide from the air to produce the nutrients, which serve as food for the tree. In this process, trees create wood, as well as many chemicals, seeds and fruit of great utility to man. Trees also remove carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, from the air.
Trees are very important to our environment. Tropical rain forests are of particular significance; although they now occupy less than six per cent of the land surface of the earth, they sustain more than half of the biological species on the planet.
Notwithstanding the debt we owe to trees, its emotive power, and its importance to other forms of life, the forested area of the earth is steadily being depleted. This in turn is leading to the degradation of the environment and the extinction of many species. A real danger cropping up is that in the near future man will destroy a large proportion of the present population of other species on earth, creating an uninhabitable environment, and then will die out himself. If this happens, it will not be the first time that a large proportion of the species on the earth have been extinguished.
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